James Ron, PhD is a dynamic research professional with extensive experience defining and implementing research strategies, managing diverse teams, developing evidence-based recommendations, and communicating results.
Dr. Ron has worked in multiple world regions, including Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and North America.
James Ron has provided research and advisory services to multiple agencies and organizations, including the Canadian foreign ministry, Human Rights Watch, CARE, the Center for Victims of Torture, International Committee of the Red Cross, and others.
Dr. Ron volunteers as an international program evaluator for Life for a Child, an Australian medical charity that provides insulin to children with Type 1 diabetes.
James Ron has published widely in academic and popular venues, including in the Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, International Herald Tribune, Le Monde, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Toronto Star, Washington Post, and more.
For more on James Ron's publications, please visit his contribution and publication pages, as well as his Research Gate and Google Scholar profiles.